Special Offers

We are always updating our offers so please check back regularly to see our latest deals

Alhambra - Discount

The Alhambra in Dunfermline has an excellent programme of events.

If you are attending an event, quote ALHAMBRA for a 10% discount off our rates.

Phone 01383 722282 or email info@pitbauchlie.com to make your reservation.              

Valentine - Dinner Bed and Breakfast

Complimentary Bottle of Wine on Arrival

Enjoy our Valentine Dinner, 3 course menu which includes a Kir Royal on Arrival

Stay Overnight in a King Bedroom followed by Breakfast in the morning

Package available for 2 persons @ £89.00 pp  

Available on either Friday 14th February on Saturday 15th February.

Phone 01383 722282 to make your Booking